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Update What the hell is this? The problem which I thought is over is still there ??? alive and kicking! Do you know what is causing this trouble? — Supposedly the fastest browser of all is not the lightest one ??? at least with some of the recommended add-ons. Look at the amount of memory it is having for breakfast! Look at the sharp drop of blue line [indicating RAM usage] when I ???

No Smoking Hotospot [Global Warming Myth] ??????The satellites that measure the world’s temperature all say that the warming trend ended in 2001, and that the temperature has dropped about 0.6C in the past year (to the temperature of 1980). Land-based temperature readings are corrupted by the “urban heat island” effect: urban areas encroaching on thermometer stations warm the micro-climate

Pi or 2Pi: That Is the Question In February this year there appeared in Physics World an article entitled Constant Failure by Robert P Crease of Stony Brook University, in which he showed in how many formulae of physics and mathematics 2?? turns up, rather than ??. This article struck a chord with me, since even after many years I remember the feeling of “cognitive dissonance” when being

Above: 3 reasons why Dark Knight is awesome movie A day before yesterday, I went to watch the much hyped superhero flick ??? Dark Knight. It had already generated enough curiosity for being the last completed movie by Heath Ledger. I also liked Christian Bale after ???Batman Begins??? and ???3:10 to Yuma???. He is an actor with a lot of substance and in future he is sure to portray some memorable

In this excellent article, on, Murad Ali Baig points out to the exact share of oil price rise in Inflation. Price hike for every commodity and everything else is attributed to the sky rocketed oil prices. However, as Baig points out that ??????. (but) only few realize that the Rs3 (roughly 8.5%) increase in diesel prices would affect freight transport costs by only a marginal

Lately I am extremely annoyed with the crashes and memory leaks of Firefox 3. The browser which made a world record of highest number of downloads in a single day, is actually not that stable after all. But here is an update to Firefox 3???let???s see if it does any improvements. In case of Firefox issues, I turn to Opera, which IS most reliable for me???

Google Documents is a very useful tool for knowledge workers. Today they made it better by launching Templates for documents. There are templates for Resume, Business Plans, Venture Pitch, Wedding Planner, Project Plan etc. Some templates, like the one above for Presentations, look stunning. Read more about templates here.

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Ganesh Kulkarni

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July 2008

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