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Please visit following link to see my post about beautiful Oslo city.

Oslo! Come Fall In Love!

Oslo City Hall – Nobel Peace Prize is awarded here.


I am on my way to Norway to participate in the ‘Digital Winners Summit‘, which focuses on the Strategic lessons to be Learnt from Mobile, TV & Internet.


To many investors and analysts, the massive sell-off Tuesday was just the latest indication that share prices in China have been defying expectations.

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It seems that the plight of Iraq is not ready to die down even after the US’s tormentor of Iraq – Saddam Hussein is dead now. Does the root of the faulty US policy lie in the experience of USA in post-war Japan? US is thinking that replacing the governments is like licking lolly-pops. But USA is wrong.

Read this news from Guardian Unlimited

” Two nearly simultaneous bombings in a mostly Shia commercial area in central Baghdad killed at least 72 people and wounded at least 134, Iraqi officials said today.

Isn’t it right that the US is now deep within shit which herself has created. Even if US sends more troops to Iraq, the resistance in Iraq will not die down. The basic problem with USA’s Iraq policy is that US policy relies heavily on
1. An artificial government which has been installed there by disturbing a natural order. The overthrow of Saddam should have come from Iraqis themselves. Not by force of US.;
2. On military might.

USA thinks that only these 2 factors namely, a so called democratic government & battalions of troops will ensure a peaceful Iraq. Probably, USA policymakers are taking cues from their post WW II Japan experience. But Iraq is not Japan, Mr. Bush. You don’t need some political pundit to tell that Iraq is a much more complex issue. In Japan, USA didn’t touch the monarchy. So the Japanese always had somebody to look up to. Chances of a total chaos were thus very limited in Japan. However, such is not the case with Iraq. What the poor Iraqis have is some weaklings labled as ‘Democratic Government’ in Baghdad.

ad policy-making Mr. Bush!



According to CNN & BBC, legendary Cuban Leader Fidel Castro is close to death. Venezuelan president, Hugo Chavez is reported to have said this. Castro is fighting for his life in a Cuban hospital for some days now.


After throwing up the regime of General Batista, Castro is on throne in Cuba from 1976 as the president. A perpetual rebel, Cuba’s relations with USA were never good.

I will remember Fidel as a brave man who signified the last straw of Eastern bloc of cold war.

Here is Castro on Wikipedia.

In all the hype and hoopla about technology, web 2.0, Iraq war and etc. there were thousands of our fellow human beings who died waiting to hear from outside world. Doctors Without Borders, a humanitarian organisation, presents the Top 10 most underreported humanitarian crises of 2006. How many of these did you read about?

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Why in the hell, should the US election matter to 99% countries on globe? Because US mindset is still a McCarthic mindset. They just can’t be normal people. They need learning to be brave & happy. Insecurity and fear run US foreign policies. Bad luck is that this US is prosperous and powerful.
uncle-sam-oil.jpg us-intervention.gif

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Ganesh Kulkarni

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May 2024

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