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Tata’s deal with Ford has many skeptics. For one, what will be the effect of looming global economic downturn on the market? Then there is the troubled history of UK auto industry – particularly the labor trouble. While on one hand whole nation (except, perhaps the stock markets) felt jubilant after the deal, real success of the deal will hinge on how skillfully Tata’s balance the demands of

Every nation has some peculiar characteristics which sound very funny when looked from outside. This is a very good and funny article in NY Times – well written by Elaine Sciolino. One peculiar characteristic of French people is the love for anniversaries; then there is the the ‘french’ kiss. Read On…No anniversary is too minor to celebrate. In my time here, France has marked the 20th

Cricket!!! Originally uploaded by ganeshkulkarni This is actually a play ground meant for Hockey – the white banner in background says so. But this also happens to be India – where Cricket rules hearts of people

Today when I tried to visited Wall Street Journal’s website –, I was presented to this page…To my surprise, it offered 30 days free access to’s premium content.When I clicked on the link, this was the page -What’s this?

Stanford Law Professor Larry Lessig Bets ‘Wikipedia’ Approach Will Transform Congress | Wired.comLessig, known for his decade-long role in trying to loosen the entertainment industry’s vice-like grip on popular culture by shaping copyright law, is betting that the energy and dissatisfaction exhibited by voters against the status-quo in Washington DC, and the emergence of collaborative software

Cricket in India: Moving Into a League of Its Own – India Knowledge@Wharton”Yes, priorities have changed for a segment of the population,” says Sridhar Samu, professor of marketing at the Indian School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad. Adds Bamzai: “Cricket today is a metaphor for change.” According to Ashish Kaul, executive vice-president of the Indian Cricket League (ICL), a rival to IPL: “We as a

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Ganesh Kulkarni

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March 2008

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